Sugar-Baby Bridge by Brett Edward Stout

Brad Spicer is trying to find his identity after recently finishing his four year stint in the marines and in this novel we follows Brad and his thoughts after meeting in a gay bar with Ron, a wealthy older man. They depart from the bar together and then spend the next few days in each others company with Brad driving them around in Ron’s Mercedes and visiting various friends and relatives around California.

I though this novel was extremely well written and it’s very interesting following Brad’s thought processes as it’s written in the first person. Brad is in his early twenties and Ron is in his early thirties and they appear very different. I feel it would have been great to learn more about Ron in the book, as he was a man of very few words; however I suppose he wouldn’t have been Ron and it would have been a very different story if he had said more. Brad does try to encourage Ron to talk more, but I feel Brad thinks much too much as it seems at times that he can overanalyze absolutely everything and also he always appears to want to fit in everywhere and can try too hard, but then he is young!

Overall it was an enjoyable read, although a little different from most of my reading, but I would recommend it. I’m also interested in the fact that Brad’s life does not end here and there is more to come from Brett.

Interview with Brett here

Brett’s website



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